Dave Nick
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Dave Nick - YouTube Channel

There are lots of interesting videos on this YouTube Channel - Dave Nick - YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@DaveNickOfficial

The channel has 740K subscribers, and 550 videos as of 2023/6/30, 753K and subscribers 589 videos as of 2023/08/09.

Here's a new video with 4,208 views as of today, since July 31, 2023 - "Best ChatGPT Work From Home Jobs" Click on the image or this Link for our Short Recap . . . There are links and some relevant info below, and in our Shorts Video Description and the Video Comments.

The full 6.5 minute video is "Best ChatGPT Work From Home Jobs". It outlines the 7 best work from home jobs that anyone can do to make anywhere up to $120 dollars per hour. Dave says one reason this is so promising is that his company is actually offering some of these positions. . . . thru his https://www.dfydave.com/career site.

This short highlights #4 of the 7 jobs, an AI Automation Agency (AAA). This model is where you can complete all sorts of different tasks for your clients with ChatGPT  . . . For jobs from fiverr.com or upwork.com or other freelancing platforms, you can use ChatGPT4 to write blog posts and articles, YouTube scripts, voiceovers, video editing, etc. Dave mentions that ChatGPT4 now actually has a plugin called visla. Give it a prompt and it can create a video. Note that there are several other similar text to video tools, like visla, including flicki.ai that we cover in other videos, on our web site, and https://fliki.ai?via=ac10000 is our affiliate link.

The full video describes these potential ChatGPT related jobs:

  1. a chat GPT YouTube automation scriptwriter
  2. a transcriptionist for rev.com
  3. a voiceover artist for YouTube channels
  4. having an AI Automation Agency (AAA)
  5. generate Instagram reels, TikToks, YouTube Shorts
  6. your own YouTube Automation Channel
  7. ??

. . .

Some current related keywords from the promoterkit.com Youtube Keyword Tool: 2023/08/09

"Keyword","Search Volume","Difficulty"

  • "dave nick","207606","1.77 Low"
  • "dave nick daily","12437","0.94 Low"
  • "make money online","1566761","5.26 Medium"
  • "best way to make money online","18964","5.62 Medium"
  • "make money online for free","3223","6.05 HIGH"
  • "smart money tactics","315163","1.26 Low"
  • "online business","166375","5.78 Medium"
  • "incognito money","111043","0.87 Low"
  • "jay froneman","5696","2.95 Medium"
  • "cpa marketing","246054","1.01 Low"

"Keyword","Search Volume","Difficulty"

  • "ai automation agency","645956","1.37 Low"
  • "how to start an ai automation agency","14707","1.15 Low"
  • "ai automation","122384","1.91 Low"
  • "ai agency","151892","1.95 Low"
  • "automation agency","50719","1.34 Low"
  • "how to start an ai business","2234","3.58 Medium"
  • "ai business automation","2528","2.82 Medium"
  • "how to make money with ai","391028","4.12 Medium"
  • "how to automate businesses with ai","1704","1.83 Low"
  • "best ai business ideas","6189","4.69 Medium"

"Keyword","Search Volume","Difficulty"

  • "text to video","154132","4.25 Medium"
  • "text to video ai","269820","4.86 Medium"
  • "text to video ai free","111412","4.86 Medium"
  • "text to video ai generator","15098","4.39 Medium"
  • "text to video converter","5634","4.11 Medium"
  • "ai text to video","62016","3.76 Medium"
  • "ai video generator","646793","6.17 HIGH"
  • "ai video maker","59020","5.57 Medium"
  • "text to video maker","2861","4.8 Medium"
  • "ai video","724023","6.68 HIGH"

"Keyword","Search Volume","Difficulty"

  • "visla","29190","1.95 Low"
  • "visla - azure","1865","0 Low"
  • "kasra & visla - azure","1944","0 Low"
  • "kasra visla azure","3547","0 Low"
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  • "yaano wingz pattern visla remix","1584","0 Low"
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  • "visla remix","3039","0 Low"
  • "drum and bass","828111","6.71 HIGH"
  • "drum & bass","1699","8.27 HIGH"

"Keyword","Search Volume","Difficulty"

  • "ai automation agency","645956","1.37 Low"
  • "how to start an ai automation agency","14707","1.15 Low"
  • "ai automation","122384","1.91 Low"
  • "ai agency","151892","1.95 Low"
  • "automation agency","50719","1.34 Low"
  • "how to start an ai business","2234","3.58 Medium"
  • "ai business automation","2528","2.82 Medium"
  • "how to make money with ai","391028","4.12 Medium"
  • "best ai business ideas","6189","4.69 Medium"
  • "how to automate businesses with ai","1704","1.83 Low"

"Keyword","Search Volume","Difficulty"

  • "best chatgpt work from home jobs","1931","4.82 Medium"
  • "make money online","1566761","5.26 Medium"
  • "chat gpt","722578","5.92 Medium"
  • "how to make money online","1617550","5.97 Medium"
  • "chatgpt","3610162","6.94 HIGH"
  • "make money online with chatgpt","15868","4.85 Medium"
  • "make money with chatgpt","142139","4.75 Medium"
  • "how to make money with chatgpt","197858","4.98 Medium"
  • "what is chatgpt","71820","6.41 HIGH"
  • "chat gpt to make money","2577","5.09 Medium"

. . .

Here are 3 very popular videos on July 13, 2023. Click on the image or this Link for our Short Recap for video 1 . . . There are lots of links and relevant info below, and in the Shorts Video Description and Comments.

This Short outlines the 8+ minute video from Dave Nick -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbKo8NT0gQs - "How I Use ChatGPT With YouTube Automation To Make Money Online" It shows how to monetize new YT channels to get paid $2.8K+ per day, create them with ChatGPT and avoid some mistakes.

Some key concepts and tools in the videos are:

  1. Ask ChatGPT for 10 YouTube channel name ideas, e.g. for a channel talking about technology gadgets. Existing example channels shown are TechZone and TechJoint.
  2. First ask ChatGPT to give us some details for the new Channel monetize.

  3. Ask ChatGPT what will be the best products that we can promote in these videos.

  4. Create a Kit.co store https://kit.co/  to promote the products . . . it works with Amazon and other platforms. You need affiliate accounts to earn commissions. Here's more info on kit.co - https://kit.co/for-creators and https://help.kit.co/en/articles/6191479-best-practices . . . . or use spreadsimple.com to create a kit as in this example Amazon Devices - Save up to 8%, and get $10 Cash Back

  5. Use the scripts from ChatGPT in https://www.Play.hd to create very realistic sounding voiceovers, using this AI text to voice generator

  6. Use BlueWillow.ai | Free AI Art Generator - to create unique images for each product or groups of products
  7. Put it all together in engaging videos with

  8. Upload the videos to YouTube and create posts suitable for Instagram, Pinterest, etc.
  9. Include links to the new kit.co store in the video description and comments.

Some related keywords from the promoterkit.com Youtube Keyword Tool:

"Keyword","Search Volume","Difficulty"

  • "youtube automation","1338088","2.38 Low"
  • "youtube automation tutorial","22682","3.06 Medium"
  • "youtube automation for beginners","44574","2.59 Medium"
  • "what is youtube automation","23135","2.89 Medium"
  • "youtube automation step by step","196441","2.3 Low"
  • "youtube automation channels","4448","3.16 Medium"
  • "youtube automation niches","20577","3.03 Medium"
  • "youtube automation explained","2823","4.4 Medium"
  • "i tried youtube automation","34933","1.96 Low"
  • "youtube automation 2023","3730","2.14 Low"

"Keyword","Search Volume","Difficulty"

  • "kit.co","50","6.77 HIGH"
  • "kit.co review","2527","7.98 HIGH"
  • "affiliate marketing on kit.co","2525","0 Low"
  • "kit.co marketing bangla","918","9.04 HIGH"
  • "amazon product post on kit.co","2578","0 Low"
  • "how to promote amazon products on kit.co site","995","0 Low"
  • "kit.co make money","1872","2.54 Medium"

. . .

Here are 3 very popular videos on 6/30/23. Click on the image or this Link for our Short Recap for video 1 . . . There are lots of links and relevant info below, and in the Shorts Video Description.

This Short outlines the 7+ minute video from Dave Nick - Earn $5.00 Every 30 Seconds with ChatGPT For FREE (NEW Make Money Online) -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGkfdulyADg&t=282s

A key concept in the video is to use ChatGPT to get paid $5 every 30 seconds on autopilot . . . and earn passive income without actually selling items, but by giving away free trials.

The key steps outlined in the videos are:

  1. Ask ChatGPT for the list of 30 different book genres (e.g. on Philosophy) and then ask for five different ideas or five different books in each genre.
  2. Use Canva.com to create posts for each book that suitable for Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, etc.
  3. Offer a free audio copy of the books by using an Amazon Audible Plus free trial . . and you get paid $5 for each free trial  subscription.

You need to be an Amazon Associate for this strategy to work. Yes, Amazon Associates can resell Amazon Audible Plus. The Audible affiliate program is actually part of the Amazon Associates Program, so you won’t need to sign up for anything else. You can promote Audible through Amazon Associates by driving traffic to Amazon.com using Audible links and banners. You can make money when your visitors buy Audible products and services on Amazon1.

Learn more: 1. audible.com  2. getlasso.co  3. blog.hootsuite.com  4. affiliate-program.amazon.com  5. affiliate-program.amazon.com

Here are our Audible links - Try Audible Premium Plus and Get Up to Two Free Audiobooks - https://amzn.to/3pnfTGF

Try Audible Plus - Get a $5 bounty for each qualifying Audible Plus free trial, and a $10 bounty for each qualifying Audible Plus paid membership. Earn a fixed commission for any visitor who successfully signs up for Audible Plus, a brand new all-you-can-listen membership that offers access to thousands of titles, including a vast array of audiobooks, podcasts and originals that span genres, lengths, and formats. https://amzn.to/3DdT77v

Even more for Prime Members . . .  if you are one of the 200+ million Prime Members, the Audible Free Trials lasts for 3 months and you get 2 Free Book Credits! Here's a recap of the benefits:

Here's our link to the best selling Audible Books about AI, on Amazon now - https://amzn.to/44735mH

. . . and if you want hard copies, or Kindle versions, here's our TZ link to the Bestselling Books about AI, on Amazon now - https://amzn.to/3NViAbJ


. . .

Here are the direct links to some top books about AI on Audible, Kindle and Hardcopy:

. . .

Bing ChatGPT Prompt 1: What are 5 must read books on AI that are available on Amazon Audible?

Here are some books on AI that you might find interesting:

  1. “Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach” by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig 1
  2. “Human Compatible: Artificial Intelligence and the Problem of Control” by Stuart Russell 2
  3. “The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book” by Andriy Burkov 3
  4. “Deep Learning” by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville
  5. “Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies” by Nick Bostrom

You can find these books on Amazon Audible.

Learn more:

1. forbes.com  2. wired.com  3. sciencefocus.com  4. bing.com  5. medium.com

. . .

Bing ChatGPT Prompt 2 : What are the 5 current best selling books on AI?

Here are some of the best selling books on AI:

  1. “Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies” by Nick Bostrom 1
  2. “Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach” by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig 2
  3. “Human Compatible: Artificial Intelligence and the Problem of Control” by Stuart Russell 3
  4. “The Alignment Problem: Machine Learning and Human Values” by Brian Christian 4
  5. “AI 2041: Ten Visions for Our Future” by Kai-Fu Lee and Chen Qiufan 5

You can find these books on Amazon.

Learn more:

1. amazon.com  2. fivebooks.com  3. wired.com  4. bing.com  5. economist.com

. . .

ChatGPT 3.5 Prompt 1: What are 5 must read books on AI?


Certainly! Here are five highly recommended books on AI that are widely regarded as must-reads:

1.    "Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies" by Nick Bostrom: This book delves into the potential risks and impact of artificial superintelligence, exploring the challenges of control, safety, and aligning AI with human values.

2.    "Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective" by Kevin P. Murphy: This comprehensive textbook provides an in-depth introduction to machine learning, covering probabilistic models, graphical models, deep learning, and more. It offers both theoretical foundations and practical applications.

3.    "The Master Algorithm: How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine Will Remake Our World" by Pedro Domingos: In this book, Domingos explores the five main approaches to machine learning and discusses the quest for a unified algorithm that combines them, providing insights into the future of AI.

4.    "Artificial Intelligence: Foundations of Computational Agents" by David L. Poole and Alan K. Mackworth: This textbook offers a comprehensive introduction to AI, covering topics such as intelligent agents, problem-solving, knowledge representation, planning, and machine learning.

5.    "Deep Learning" by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville: This book serves as a comprehensive reference on deep learning, covering topics such as neural networks, optimization algorithms, generative models, and applications of deep learning in various domains.

These books provide a solid foundation and understanding of AI concepts, ethics, and applications. Remember that the field of AI is rapidly evolving, so it's always beneficial to explore more recent resources and research papers to stay up to date with the latest advancements.

ChatGPT 3.5 Prompt 2:  What are 5 current best selling books on AI?


As an AI language model, I don't have real-time data access or browsing capabilities. However, I can provide you with a list of popular books on AI that were bestsellers up until my last knowledge update in September 2021. Please note that this information may have changed since then. Here are five influential books on AI that were well-received at that time:

1.    "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach" by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig: This comprehensive textbook covers various aspects of AI, including intelligent agents, problem-solving, knowledge representation, machine learning, natural language processing, and more.

2.    "Deep Learning" by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville: This book is a widely recognized reference in the field of deep learning. It explores neural networks, deep architectures, optimization algorithms, and applications of deep learning techniques.

3.    "Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies" by Nick Bostrom: This thought-provoking book delves into the potential implications of superintelligent AI and its impact on society, discussing topics such as control, safety, and ethics.

4.    "Human Compatible: Artificial Intelligence and the Problem of Control" by Stuart Russell: In this book, Russell explores the challenges of aligning AI systems with human values and addresses the potential risks associated with developing AI that may not share our objectives.

5.    "The Master Algorithm: How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine Will Remake Our World" by Pedro Domingos: The book provides an overview of various machine learning approaches and discusses the concept of a unified algorithm that combines the strengths of different methods.

Remember to check more recent sources or bestseller lists to get the most up-to-date information on current best-selling books on AI.


Some related keywords from the promoterkit.com Youtube Keyword Tool:

"Keyword","Search Volume","Difficulty"

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"Keyword","Search Volume","Difficulty"

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