Compliance Manager, a workflow-based risk assessment tool in the Microsoft Service Trust Portal, enables you to track, assign, and verify your organization's regulatory compliance activities related to Microsoft Professional Services and Microsoft cloud services, such as Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Dynamics 365, and Microsoft Azure.
Compliance Manager:
Combines the detailed information provided by Microsoft to auditors and regulators as part of various third-party audits of Microsoft 's cloud services against various standards (for example, ISO 27001, ISO 27018, and NIST) and information that Microsoft compiles internally for its compliance with regulations (such as HIPAA and the EU General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR) with your own self-assessment of your organization's compliance with these standards and regulations.
Enables you to assign, track, and record compliance and assessment-related activities, which can help your organization cross team barriers to achieve your organization's compliance goals.
Provides a Compliance Score to help you track your progress and prioritize the auditing controls that will help reduce your organization's exposure to risk.
Provides a secure repository for you to upload and manage evidence and other artifacts related to your compliance activities.
Produces richly detailed reports in Microsoft Excel that document the compliance activities performed by Microsoft and your organization, which can be provided to auditors, regulators, and other compliance stakeholders.