Calculate the Benefits of the TimeZone Travel System

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  • It reduces jet lag on all your trips across multiple time zones.

  • It helps you choose the best available flight for each trip.

  • It gives you a jet lag rating for cross country and international flights (so you can avoid the 'red-eye' flights and the worst flights for producing jet lag).

  • It gives you a daily plan to help you improve your time management and travel across multiple time zones.

  • It's an all natural system that does not require the use of any drugs, herbs, stimulants or depressants (no melatonin is required but it can be useful for many people and trips).

  • Calculate the benefits of feeling better one day or even one hour sooner in your cross-country or international trip.

  • Calculate the payoff from avoiding expensive mistakes when you’re not at your best because to Jet Lag.


". . . my husband & I arrived at our destination (Malaysia) in terrific shape. On previous trips to the same location we could hardly walk" -- J.A.C.

"an innovative computer program . . . in the fight against jet lag " -- Endless Vacation


As seen on TV around the world on the Discovery Channel program "Beyond 2000".

and in Windows Magazine


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