Ranked Lists of Best Sellers - Here's the link to today's most current ranking list of
Amazon Electronics best
What are the related Search Volumes? What are people actually looking for?
Here are the top keywords and monthly search volumes for searches that include the keyword Electronics and variations - 08/05/2019:
No | Keyword | Search Volume |
1 | electronics | 110,000 |
2 | electronics store | 201,000 |
3 | electronics store near me | 135,000 |
4 | electronics engineering | 60,500 |
5 | electronics hub | 60,500 |
6 | electronics walmart | 49,500 |
7 | electronics recycling | 40,500 |
8 | electronics engineer salary | 40,500 |
9 | electronics repair | 14,800 |
10 | electronics tools | 12,100 |
11 | electronics symbols | 12,100 |
12 | electronics cooling | 9,900 |
13 | electronics engineering jobs | 9,900 |
14 | electronics repair near me | 9,900 |
15 | electronics parts store near me | 8,100 |
16 | electronics express | 8,100 |
17 | electronics near me | 8,100 |
18 | electronics parts | 6,600 |
19 | electronics components | 6,600 |
20 | electronics 2 | 6,600 |
Catalog Classification
In the general Amazon Site Directory - https://www.amazon.com/gp/site-directory?ie=UTF8&tag=tzmc-20&tag=tzmc-20, Electronics is classified with Electronics, Computers and Office and the sub-categories shown below:
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