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YouTube Playlists

Optimizing YouTube playlists can increase views and watch time, helping videos get suggested more often.

Playlists can be created within YouTube Studio.

How to optimize your playlist.  Here are some strategies:

  1. Titles and descriptions of playlists should be keyword-rich to improve search ability and attract viewers interested in the content.
  2. Keyword Explorer tools can help identify relevant keywords to include in playlist titles and descriptions.
  3. Playlists can be further optimized by ordering videos based on analytics data such as view duration, percentage, comments, or subscriber gain.

Here's the direct link to our longest playlist - Recent Videos

On repeat playlist mode, it can play each of the videos about 4 to 5 times per day.


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Subscribe to our YouTube channel, AI TZ Solutions, and click the Notify Bell to get the new video updates. We are focused on Cutting-Edge AI Tools and Agents for Everyone. Here are our Recent YouTube Video Playlists -